Cyber security is the use of technology to hold cyber threats and cyber-attacks at bay. That includes anything from phishing, malware, and crypto jacking to data leaks; all of which can have a detrimental impact on your business. As cyber threats continue increasing by the day, cyber security is a vital use of technology to identify your individual security vulnerabilities and the highest risks to your company to mitigate them.
Cyber threats can result in the unauthorised exploitation of your systems and networks leading to data breaches. When this happens, you can suffer great financial loss and reputational ruin. You could also be held personally responsible in the eyes of the law. It is crucial to be proactive and ensure your company has a strong cyber security strategy to avoid these worst-case scenarios.
Common cyber security issues include:
Social engineering: This is a way that hackers trick users into giving out sensitive information, like financial details or personal information that can be exploited
This cyber-attack holds a company’s sensitive data or intellectual property ransom until they pay a set amount of money.
Cloud computing issues. The more devices storing information on the cloud, the higher the likelihood that data can be breached. This is a serious cyber security issue as it exposes businesses of all sizes to cyber risks.
Third-party software. Small businesses don’t often have sophisticated cyber security systems and protocols making them a target for cyber attacks. These smaller businesses too can provide a gateway to attacking larger businesses affiliated with the smaller organisations.
Distributed denial of service (DDoS). This floods a system with a series of functions rendering it unable to work and exposing other security vulnerabilities
Five Eyes Cyber security strategy services are designed to simplify the complex.
Our practical approach starts with the fundamentals of creating a vision that will situate you safely in the cyber security landscape.
Cyber security strategy and consulting services include:
Virtual eCISO,
Security Manager as-a-service,
Cyber Strategy and Roadmap, Consulting,
Security Project Delivery,
End-Point-Detection and Protection.
If found to be inadequately prepared, you can be held personally responsible should your company experience a cyber-attack that results in a data breach.
Beginning with a risk assessment against the NIST security framework, Five Eyes Cyber creates a roadmap increasing your security awareness. This allows you to focus on the highest risk and lowest maturity first. Risk and compliance management cyber security services include:
Risk/Compliance Assessment
Business Resilience
Security Metrics and Reporting
Risk/Compliance Management
Security Audits and Support.
With the peace of mind that you have cyber security experts watching your back 24×7x365, our managed security services use the most up-to-date practices and frameworks to perform risk assessments and protect your security vulnerabilities.
With a strong team and a culture that nurtures cyber talent, we have only the most talented cyber security experts mitigating your cyber risks, reducing your internal costs, and giving you the confidence that your people and data are safe.
Our managed security services are underpinned by our 24/7 SOC including:
Managed Detection Response
Email Threat Protection
Managed SIEM
Vulnerability Management as a Service
Patch Management